2024 - A year for bold scribbling!

Is it just as hard to do something bold as it is to do something safe?

The answer for scribblers is yes. You don’t need millions of dollars worth of resources—just a pen, pad, and, of course, something bold to say.

Bold things are memorable. They are remarkable. They take root and change the way people think and how the world works.

My scribbling is not as bold as it could be, so I went hunting for advice on how to kick it up a notch, and this is what I found.

Challenge Conventions: Break from traditional storytelling structures, character archetypes, or genre expectations. Surprise yourself and your audience with unexpected twists and innovative approaches.

Explore Uncomfortable Topics: Addressing sensitive or controversial subjects can be bold. It can lead to important conversations and raise awareness about issues that need attention. Finding ways to ensure these scribbles don’t feel pedantic and preachy and work as entertainment is always a challenge.

Unique Perspectives: Tell your story from a rarely seen or heard perspective. Highlight marginalized voices or explore characters with unconventional viewpoints. Find ways to avoid appropriation and maintain authenticity. Let research lead the way to enlightenment.

Experiment with Style: Play with narrative techniques like non-linear storytelling, unreliable narrators, or second-person narration. Experimenting with your scribbling styles can create a fresh and bold reading experience. Proper screenplay format is all about clarity, but can you find ways to bring a more cinematic experience and drama to the page?

Create Complex Characters: Craft multi-dimensional characters with flaws, contradictions, and internal conflicts. This adds depth and authenticity to your storytelling. What’s the worst thing that can happen to your character? What’s the most unexpected yet relatable choice they could make?

Political or Social Commentary: Use your scribbling as a platform to critique or comment on societal issues, politics, or cultural norms. Fire up TikTok and go viral!

Let’s check out some bold literary works and screenplays:

"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee: This novel boldly addresses racism and injustice in the American South during the 1930s. A classic that’s widely taught for its powerful themes

"1984" by George Orwell: A dystopian classic that boldly explores totalitarianism, surveillance, and the erosion of individual freedoms.

"The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood: This novel takes a bold look at the subjugation of women in a theocratic society, sparking discussions on feminism and women's rights.

"Pulp Fiction" (Screenplay by Quentin Tarantino): This screenplay defied linear storytelling and created a bold narrative structure that influenced many films that followed.

"Get Out" (Screenplay by Jordan Peele): A bold exploration of racism and social commentary within the horror genre. It sparked discussions on racial inequality and cultural appropriation.

"The Matrix" (Screenplay by the Wachowskis): A visually and thematically bold film that delves into complex philosophical and existential questions, such as the nature of reality.

"Brokeback Mountain" (Screenplay by Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana): This screenplay tackles themes of love and identity within the context of a same-sex relationship, a bold choice at the time.

Bold scribbling can challenge norms and provoke thought, leaving a lasting impact on society and culture. Being bold in our scribbles isn’t without risk, but so is everything else. So let’s make 2024 the year we boldly scribble where no one has scribbled before!


HAL is my copilot.


Beginner’s Brain