Action w/o Irony!

Attention, Scribblers!

The time has come for Western action movies to evolve! So let’s HALO jump into a new dawn to marry spectacle with humanity and unify artistry with authenticity!

I propose a battle plan that embraces the dynamic storytelling of Siddharth Anand's vibrant Indian epics, the raw emo intensity of Sam Hargrave's Netflix extractions, and Chad Stahelski's choreographic Gun-Fu approach to the journey of John Wick.

So, lock and load your toolboxes with these filmmaking tenets:

Emotional Spectacle: Action scenes will be the pulse of our stories, weaving visual grandeur with the dramatic depth of our characters' quests.

Authenticity in Action: Commit to the real, the tangible, grounding even your most extraordinary moments in the visceral truth of physical endeavor.

Choreographed Artistry: Our violence is poetic, our conflicts balletic, making every fight a testament to character and every battle a narrative in motion.

Visual and Emotional Fusion: Draw from the well of global cinema, blending the colors of diverse cultures into universal stories that resonate and inspire.

Music as a Narrative Force: Our cinematic tales must dance to a musical rhythm, unleashing sound to heighten the tension, triumph, and tragedy.

Character-Driven Choreography: Action must express emotion and reveal character. Use every punch, kick, gunshot, and leap to reflect what’s in the hearts and souls of both heroes and villains alike.

Innovative Camera Dynamics: To immerse audiences in the action, employ camera techniques that will draw viewers out of their seats and into the heart of the conflict without losing any clarity of place and purpose.

Cultural Integration: Our stories must be a tapestry of global experiences, celebrating our world’s rich diversity of perspectives via action and conflict.

Narrative Complexity: Do not be afraid to embrace the authentic complexity of life, weaving relatable themes and human dilemmas into the fabric of your adrenaline-fueled screen stories.

Irony-Free Storytelling: Our cinematic adventures must be unapologetically earnest, embracing plot and emotion with sincerity and confidence, celebrating human connections and heroic spirits without a hint of irony.

Community and Collaboration: This mission is not impossible; it’s a collective endeavor that thrives on teamwork and shared passion.

Go forth and craft a new wave of cinematic action that rises to the heights of our global brethren. Leave your audiences awe-struck and deeply moved. It’s time the action genre of Hollywood exploded with more than guts and gunfire, but with all the blood in our hearts and the songs in our souls.



These flicks should be lauded not only for their commercial success but also for their ability to blend action with deep narrative elements, character development, and emotional engagement.

"RRR" (2022) - A vibrant spectacle of action, deep bonds, and unapologetic heroism.

"Avatar" (2009) - James Cameron's epic combines stunning visuals with a deeply emotional and environmentally conscious narrative.

"Black Panther" (2018) - Marvel's blockbuster melds culturally rich storytelling with dynamic action and a strong emotional core.

"John Wick" Series (2014-present) - Known for its choreographed action and underlying emotional motives.

"Extraction" (2020) - Combines gritty, realistic action with a strong emotional core.

"The Matrix" Series (1999-present) - Groundbreaking for its blend of philosophical depth, character-driven story, and innovative action sequences.

"Gladiator" (2000) - Ridley Scott's epic combines brutal action with a powerful story of revenge and redemption.

"Wonder Woman" (2017) - Offers a blend of mythology, heartfelt storytelling, and action, emphasizing heroism and humanity.

"Guardians of the Galaxy" Series (2014-present) - Marvel's space opera combines humor, heart, and high-octane action, with a focus on family themes and redemption.

"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" (2018) - A visually inventive film that combines vibrant animation with deep emotional stakes and character growth.

"Edge of Tomorrow" (2014) - Blends science fiction with groundhog-day mechanics for a thrilling, action-packed story with emotional growth at its core.

"Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens" (2015) - Revitalizes the Star Wars saga with a blend of nostalgic elements and new, emotionally resonant characters and action.

"Mad Max: Fury Road" (2015) - A visually spectacular film that combines practical effects with character-driven storytelling.

"Daredevil" (TV Series, 2015-2018) - Notable for its character depth, moral complexity, and well-choreographed fight scenes.


These excellent films and series focus more on a gritty, realistic approach devoid of vibrant spectacle or lean into irony and stylistic detachment.

"The Dark Knight" (2008) - Focuses on gritty realism and moral complexity, with less emphasis on vibrant spectacle.

"Breaking Bad" (TV Series, 2008-2013) - While not an action series per se, it emphasizes moral ambiguity and character depth without the unapologetic spectacle.

"Deadpool" (2016) - Known for its irony and comedic take on the superhero genre, diverging from the earnest, unapologetic tone advocated in the manifesto.

"The Bourne Series" (2002-present) - Emphasizes realism and a more grounded approach to action, with less focus on emotional spectacle.

"Game of Thrones" (TV Series, 2011-2019) - While epic in scale, its darker themes and moral ambiguity contrast with the manifesto's emphasis on unapologetic heroism and emotional depth.

"Fargo" (TV Series, 2014-present) - Known for its dark humor and irony, offering a stark contrast to the earnest emotional storytelling proposed.

"Sicario" (2015) - Focuses on the bleak realities of drug cartels and law enforcement, with a more cynical view of heroism.

"Drive" (2011) - Features stylized violence and a detached protagonist, differing from the character-driven, emotionally rich narratives described.

"The Wire" (TV Series, 2002-2008) - Offers a gritty, realistic look at crime and society, focusing on systemic issues over individual heroism or spectacle.

"Joker" (2019) - Focuses on the descent into madness and societal neglect, with little emphasis on the kind of vibrant action or unapologetic heroism highlighted in the manifesto.


Scribble & Flow


Generation Filmmaker