Scribbler vs. Fitness

Salutations, Scribblers!

Let's turn the key and get our creative engines running smoothly with the right fuel and fitness. Sometimes (always), I get so wrapped up in the imaginary worlds of characters and plots that I forget I have a physical body. Hence, my obesity based on the metrics of the NIH.

But balancing health with scribbling is possible. I’ve done it. I had a ten-year run of fitness and page count until… that virus that cannot be named. So it’s time for me to get back in shape.

Let’s start with our diet. Good food equals a good day of productive scribbling. Load up on a variety of whole foods. Vibrant veggies, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains! Portions matter. Listen to your body. It knows when it's had enough. Drinking a glass of water before meals can help shrink the overeater’s appetite.

Drink some water. And then drink some more. All day. A hydrated brain is a happy, creative brain. A hydrated body is filled with energy, and those bathroom breaks will guarantee a few minutes of movement as you transition from one throne to another.

Be like Indiana Jones and choose wisely. At snack time reach for nuts, fruits, or Greek yogurt to beat the munchies sans insulin shock.

You structure your screenplays, so why not plan your meals like plot twists? Outline your daily menu. Put your weekly chow breaks on index cards. Let nutrition be your heroes journey.

Scribblers rival piano players for the fitness of our digits, but what about the other 99.99% of our corporeal forms? I applaud you for spending every waking moment in the scribble chair, but sometimes you gotta move it to lose it.

Set a timer for your scribbling sessions. Give yourself time to get the deep work done, but schedule some breaks to stretch, walk, or just stand. Even short workouts can boost energy and mood.

Why not turn phone calls into walking opportunities? Fresh air equals fresh ideas. If you’re watching dailies or research flicks, try an elliptical, treadmill, or recumbent bike to cut calories.

To avoid the hunch and sag of a wizened wizard., use Yoga and Pilates to stay aligned and pain-free. Or stand with your back against the wall and remember what good posture feels like. Many folks (Dan Brown of the Davinci Code) swear by inversion racks or just hanging from a bar like a happy monkey to get those bones back in the right order.

Nutrition and movement aren't just about fitness. Add them to your routine for enhanced vibes of empowerment, wellness, and endless creativity. Remember, every scribbler’s fitness formula is unique. So, find your groove, and keep typing those fantastic tales all the way to the MPTF retirement home. Will you be ready to age in place with dignity?


Action First, Script Later?


Bring the pain!